Jen Thompson

Health Insurance Specialist

Jen joined the Carolina Senior Marketing team in 2021. She was born and raised in Durham, NC and now lives in Raleigh. Jen loves the way the Triangle has changed in her lifetime! She graduated from Wake Forest University and now has daughters at UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State, so she torn on who to cheer for in the ACC. She and her husband have four kids and spend most afternoons watching their teenage boys play soccer, baseball and tennis!

Which unconventional animal do you wish you could have as a pet?
a hedgehog stuffed animal that comes to life – cuddly, small and clean . Hedgehogs are so adorable, but I imagine they’re the worst cuddlers!

Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Can you be neither and still have friends on the CSM staff?

What is a skill you’ve always wanted to learn?
That’s a pretty long list – singing, skiing, cake decorating, being athletic, photography, interior design

Share three words that your close friends would use to describe you.
Intentional, Thoughtful, Problem Solver

If you could live in a different country for a year, which country would you choose?
Italy – Beautiful beaches, wine country, cities, history, and incredible food

If you could swap roles with anyone at the company for one day, who would it be?
Easy – I’d be Emily, as long as it came with her skill set. Videos, photos, editing, and design

What is your favorite type of sandwich?
Club sandwich on croissant with avocado and bacon

You are stranded on a remote desert island. Are you alone or with your worst enemy?
With my worst enemy because I’ll need help to survive!